The Beauty of Taj Mahal

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The Beauty of Taj Mahal cannot be just explored by the naked eyes and only with the lenses of the cameras but the heart filled with love can experience the love, respect and pain of a lover for his love, who had long left the mortal world.

Taj Mahal is a real beauty built with love and so while someone looking at it from their eyes, they feel the power of love within their heart. Standing on the south bank of river Yamuna that flows through the city of Agra in India do connect the city with Delhi the capital of India.

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The two similar adjacent building for different purposes

The white marble building looks outstanding from each and every side and corners. With the Taj Mahal in the center of the garden, there are two similar adjacent building on either side of the wonder of the world. These built in red sandstone and white marble with the orientation of north and south.

india, agra great taj

The Mehman khana “Guest House” on the right side and the Mosque building on the left side facing towards the pious city of Muslim “The Mecca“. These are completely similar in size, design and the materials used to build them. The Mosque is still in use and therefore the Taj Mahal remain close for the visitors on every Friday but open for the Muslims.

These two buildings give a great impressive architectural magnificence to the Taj Mahal. And the tomb of Empress Mumtaz Mahal and Emperor Shah Jahan resembles a great dignity and grandness in the middle of the Garden. This garden is the culmination of Chahar Bagh, the Persian style of garden with pathways and water channels. The Taj Mahal from a remote view appears to have a changing architectural design each time you see with these two adjacent building in the complex.

taj mahal mosque, beauty of taj

The Changing Architecture of Taj Mahal

Sometimes it seems that the Taj Mahal is Red and white. While sometimes the four minarets and lower domes of the Mosque and Guest House, with the highest and biggest dome of Taj Mahal, playing together to form a different mixing of many styles of buildings in one building. That holds your eyes to understand the impressive characteristics of this wonderful mausoleum of true eternal lovers.

the beauty of tomb architecture

There is nothing to say that the Taj Mahal is as beautiful from outside as from inside. The engraving of different stones. The Arabic calligraphy from the verses of the Pious Book of Muslim on the surface of this octagonal tomb makes it illuminating. Many different layers of arches make it an architectural marvel of the world and therefore the lovers of the beauty of the Taj Mahal, get attracted to see and feel the real experience of this great wonder of the world.

The Beauty of Taj Mahal is a Masterpiece in the World

Taj Mahal however built to give a last resting place for the Empress Mumtaj Mahal. The effort and great hard work of twenty thousand skilled people who worked each day to make it a masterpiece. It took around 17 years to complete the main Mausoleum, while another five years to complete the building of the complex. You must have seen 11 small white marble domes on the Royal Entrance gate of Taj Mahal.

Actually it has two similar line with 11 domes each side on the top of the gate. That describe the number of years, spent to build the Taj Mahal complex. That is 22 years, counted from the year 1631 to 1653. The location of the Taj Mahal is on the bank of a river. This river connects Agra to Delhi and was a means of transportation as well.

Well planned design and architecture of Taj

The lower platform of the Taj is on the ground platform built with many deep well pillars filled with the stone and rubble. The upper portion has the main chamber for the grave. When the visitors visit the Taj Mahal, they go on the upper platform with the help of 22 flight of steps. The tomb on the upper section is similar to the lower one, but these are just a replica of the original graves.

During the time of Shah Jahan too not everyone could go to the real grave in the basement, but only the royal families. This was the normal custom of Mughals and the peace of the person buried kept in consideration. A festival called “Urs” celebrated every year for the Mumtaj Mahal and later for Shah Jahan for three days. Only this time people allowed to visit the main chamber of original grave. On this occasion the guest house used to give food, gifts and money to the general people. 

india, the beautiful style of taj

These all attached to a grand building and speaks its long journey of time with many ups and downs. The lock-down of the world from 2020 to 2021 greatly harass the activity of tourism in Agra and Taj Mahal. Now everything is getting normal and the visitor can enjoy the great beauty of Taj Mahal a UNESCO designated world heritage of India.

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