Taj Mahal and its surrounding

Taj Mahal and its surrounding, is having some amount of ecological and environmental pressure. That must be taken into account by the shared cooperation of public and government bodies. As we all know that the Taj Mahal is a mausoleum, and represents in the world the beauty and love of India.

It is also a powerful link which connects all the different countries and its people, in the complex of Taj Mahal to share their beautiful culture and knowledge.

taj mahal, mausoleum, marble

Taj mahal and its surrounding and their effects on environment.

The time that is really very difficult to cope up with. As the world is facing complete lock down and house arrest because of the new virus. Which appeared in China and slowly slowly gained its pace and reached to many countries.

This virus covid 19 has infected and took the life of many people of china and other countries too. It has pressurized the government of India also to close all its A.S.I. monuments in all parts of India, as a preventive measure to stop the spread of virus. As these monuments are always busy with the locals and foreign travelers. 

The world heritage site and the Wonder of the world, Taj mahal and its surrounding is also facing some other challenges. Like low vegetation, continually increasing accommodation and commercial activities, in its nearby surrounding are pressurizing the environment of Taj Mahal. Which has been a great concern of the government, environmentalist, and the people of India and the world for a long time.

Taj Mahal closed to prevent spread of COVID-19

Though the Taj mahal had been closed in different times, while it was considered very important to protect the monuments from any attack or other happenings. This time due to the outbreak of covid-19, which is affecting a large population of the world.

At the same time here we need to understand, that only closing and opening any monument is not a problem. But the effect on the image of India, as a very welcoming and warm country among many countries of the world. In respect of the foreign and domestic guest it is also very important that should not be hampered, by some of our ill-behavior toward our Heritages and its environment.

taj mahal and its surrounding

Some important steps for the betterment

It is also very important to see the surrounding of the Taj mahal. Which presents a little adverse effect on its beauty. As` a grand building, but not being provided much willingness to keep it above all the major attractions. By giving as much as possible and necessary facilities and space nearby the surroundings of the Taj mahal will bring the change.

The second longest river of India Yamuna river, is flowing gently nearby the Taj Mahal. But now it is drying up rapidly. Without affecting the residents and commercial activities of these areas. And even with the help of them by the public and government shared cooperation to keep the area clean and green. So that the beautiful Taj mahal, their own Taj mahal would not gain a deteriorating environment, and shady image in the world. 

It will be the responsibility of all of us to give much attention on our heritages and its environment, to give a great atmosphere to our guest of abroad and local. This could be done to achieve success in the beautification of our land, that is the necessity of the time.

We hope that it will be considered as an opinion in the consideration of clean and green Taj mahal area. And must not be taken otherwise with any aspects of Taj mahal and its surrounding.  

some Positive Things

The world is locked down to be protected from the virus. Learning many good things by living at one’s respective home. Praying for others for their cure, are much important then any other things. As the restrictions eases people are slowly slowly getting back to their work with new positive energy.

The nature is also healing, the ozone layer is as according to some news, is now recovering which is a great thing. That will prevent the high global warming and stop the melting of icebergs and glacier at south pole.

We should always be grateful to the nature and its functioning that is unimaginable.


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taj mahal, unesco site, world wonder
Taj Mahal view in Agra city

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