Taj Mahal a Wonder of the World

Taj mahal, Agra

Taj mahal a wonder of the world is a great inspiration, for those who wish to learn from it. The symbolic love monument, inspires you to go deep in your love. The great hard work inspires you, to do your work in the same way to build your success. It is about 370 years old monument, built to give peace to the soul of Empress Mumtaj Mahal.

Though it was customary among Mughals, to build a memorable tomb or building for those with high rank and services they gave during their lifetime. We can have many such examples in India. Before Mughals we can see there are tombs and other constructions by other dynasties as well from many Muslim rulers. Delhi and Agra as the main capital of Sultanate and Mughals, became the center of many inspirational and cultural development.

Taj Mahal a wonder of the world
Taj Mahal

Delhi known as city of seven cities

In Delhi you have three world heritages of the world designated by UNESCO. At the same time according to the “Archaeological survey of India” it has more than 1300 remains of Sultanate and Mughal periods. However the most of the monuments and remains mark the Mughal period, but remains belong from 12th century till 15th century do hold their strong position in this city. Having so many sites to explore it was a great place to rule over India. Delhi saw the developments and destruction of its cities built by different rulers for seven times. Hence it is always renamed as seven cities of Delhi, or Delhi a city of cities. Well we are not going to describe it all in detail here as we wish to turn the light on Taj Mahal a wonder of the world.

The beginning of making Taj Mahal a wonder of the world had started earlier during the Lodi times. The powerful Sultanate dynasty in India saw the advent of Lodis of Afghan origin. Started from the Bahlol lodi who took the power in Delhi and founded Lodi dynasty. His son Sikandar Lodi was very keen of building and showed the patronage of many art and culture in India. He built a brick fort in Agra for the first time, the garden tomb near Nizam-ud-din area is called Lodi garden. The garden has many tombs and mosque with a completely different artistic value which make it a great achievement in fine tombs and glazed tiles decorations.

The similarities of Lodi and Mughal Monuments

Some of the features adopted and refined in Mughal architectures. You can see in Humayun tomb, a world heritage site in Delhi has some similar features from Lodi architecture. One in the close proximity of Humayun tomb is Isa Khan tomb, which lies in the complex of Humayun tomb. It is in Lodi architecture, with the largest dome is surrounded by the small domes with glazed blue tiles decoration. you can see the same in Humayun tomb as well. These are the predecessors of Taj Mahal built in 16th century by Shah Jahan the 5th Mughal Emperor, for his beloved wife Mumtaj Mahal.

The other similar features we can see, used in Mughal period from Lodi’s are. The octagonal structure and small towers or columns used to decorate the dome area. The arch cells and making all sides equal we can find in many Lodi style tombs and also in Mughal monuments. A series of such architecture appeared to be the impressive art form in that period. However the Mughals took the power from the Lodi and establish their more than 350 years long empire in India. The patronage of art and artistic development did not see any bias on the front line. The Taj Mahal took around 22 years to complete and followed the features and architectural creativity from the Humayun Tomb and the Tomb of Itima-ud-daulah in Agra.

Why the Taj Mahal became the wonder of the world

Taj Mahal building started soon after the death of Mumtaj Mahal. She got the martyrdom as died due to the birth of her child. She died in a young age of 39 but this was her 14th child who survived. Among other wives Shah Jahan had a completely different attitude with Mumtaj Mahal. He could not break his promise with his dying wife and go for other wives after Mumtaj Passed away. Such a devotion of Love shows how deeply they were connected to each other. In Muslim a life after death is always preferable and that life is everlasting as promised by the Almighty in Koran the holy book of Muslims.

taj mahal a wonder of the world

Shah jahan dedicated his life for the building of a mausoleum, should resemble the Paradise described in Koran. Therefore he chose white marble that even lit up in the moonlight. The marble is also termed “As cold as Marble” in many places for an example. The heat of summer in north India led him to think for this stone to give coolness for his beloved wife grave.

Not only the stone and an impressive architecture of the Taj Mahal make it a wonder of the world, but also the true dedication of a pure heart. The creatively measured and designed mausoleum in white marble reflect the house of the Paradise of this couple. The Taj Mahal, situated on the bank of Yamuna River on its north side. There is big green garden across the river with a platform and water channel, known as Mehtab bagh or Moon garden.

Black Taj Mahal real history or myth?

The Moon garden is the place where Shah jahan used to say to build a mausoleum for himself in black marble. In the construction of Taj Mahal, it took 22 years by the effort and labours of twenty thousand workers. These were artisans, craftsmen, architects, supervisors and many more who worked day in and day out complete this mega project. Thousands of elephants and bulls was in the service to carry the marble and other stones. A great amount of money used to employ all these and to feed them all. It gave a great earning opportunity of many during such mega projects proposed by the Emperors.

It is fair to consider in the respect of Shah jahan that he has a great earning from his empire. He was the richest emperor in the world in his time. If he really wished to build a Taj Mahal in black Marble, it would have been built. It is because while the Taj Mahal was under construction, he ordered to build a new city in Delhi and the construction took place. This new city with a fort Quila Mubarak, now we know it as Red Fort in Old Delhi. This Old Delhi is the seventh city of Delhi built by Shah Jahan and known as Sahajahanbad completed in 1648. Taj Mahal a wonder of the world completed in 1653.

His third son perhaps played a significant role to project his father a lavish ruler, because he did not like him to spend on such construction. And when he could be able to turn the wheel, he put his Father, Emperor Shah jahan, behind the fortified walls of Agra fort to proclaim himself as Emperor. Shah jahan used sit in this moon garden and see the reflection of Taj in the river water.

taj mahal the wonder of the world

The simplicity and the Taj Mahal

It is no wonder that the Taj Mahal is a wonder of the world, selected by the millions of lovers around the world. The simplicity of Taj Mahal is that it has no such decoration, to purposefully attract the visitors. Many think these days, this monument is only a great source of income. But this source of income was not in the mind of Shah Jahan for his descendants. The Empress wished a tomb for herself that will be a symbol of their eternal love for the generation to come. This is really taken seriously by all the generations of the world as a great symbol of true love. The simplicity for a mausoleum was the must to hold its true position as a tomb.

It has many designs but they cool the eyes and give you ideas to think about the creativity. The calligraphy on the panels of the arch, carved and beautifully engraved. The verses in Arabic describe the promises of Almighty. Which binds your soul with the souls of True lovers, lying buried in this beautiful mausoleum. A perfect symmetry and great in its entirety this beautiful, decorated yet simple in attitude. These all aspects make the Taj Mahal a wonder of the world among new 7 wonders of the world. Visit the Taj and get lost in the past.

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