India opens its border

India opens its border for International visitors. Finally the decision to restart the tourism and flight services has been announced by the Government of India. The Central government has announced on 8th of March that the all international schedule flights will be resumed from 27th of March of 2022

This was a long awaited decisions for the tourism, hospitality and service sectors depending on the free flow of international arrivals. The time passed and it took two years after the wake of covid pandemic the borders were closed for the international arrival. All around the world felt the extreme pandemic pressure and its consequences. But now the time is changing and we have to keep up with the new time.

Tourism activity before reopening

India has already opened its tourist attractions, hotels, railways and other activities for tourists but the schedule flights were on hold. when the cases has completely gone down and the vaccine process also reach its satisfactory point. Then the Center after monitoring and relying the situation decided to restart its tourism industry. This is due to the health safety of our visitors as well as the people of India.

Reopening the tourism sector and all the flights to and from India will boost the tourism Industry. however the Bubble arrangement with some of the country was established already. But the prices and less operation of flights dealt with many implications for the foreign travelers to come to India.

What are the news

Recently after the news of starting the all international flights by the government of India. There are news published in Times Now News that international flights fare may go down around 40-50%. There may be such more upcoming news regarding the facility or convenience the traveler could avail very soon. It appears to be a great relief for the Tourism Industry as well as the travelers.

India opens its border

We cordially welcome the decision of the Government and many other actions in respect of normalizing the tourism sector in India. We do hope that from 27th of March the tourism sector in India would definitely receive many travelers around the World. And these travelers would enjoy great experiences and other services again in India. With the announcement of India opens its border and with the starting of Tourism activities which got halted on 23rd of March of 2019, it is very much clear that now the time has changed for tourism sector.

why India a great destination

India is a great destination and its multi culture and multi color identity attract millions of tourist all around the world. The hospitality of India toward its guest in different regions is really worth exploring. The travelers would enjoy many great attractions, fairs and festivals and different cuisine of India. While closely experiencing the life of locals and experiencing the heritages and cultural symbols, Which is the identical significance with modernization would give great impression of India to its visitors.

During the journey of India there are many attractions which present great fun and learning. the cities with many historical monuments and their markets are best time eating activities. The marriages and other processions for festivals have great entertaining effects. The landscapes and scenic beauty, and the love of nature and animals, could only be found in India. So why wait now, Start your journey to India and enjoy all different experiences with SyN Travels.

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