Agra a great old capital city of India

agra has three world heritages

Agra a great old capital city of India came into existence long before. As according to some mythological evidence it suggests, that the Agra was ruled by the king Agarsen. And so it was later called as Agra. But any historical proof is lacking to support this fact of probably 10th century city.

agar a great old capital of India
Agra fortSee More

Agra became Sikandra

In the later 10th and 11th century the southern part of Delhi was in the control of Tomar Rajputs and Chahmana Rajput clans, which had been taken by the army of Mahmood Gauri in 1192. The battle was fought two times in the field of Tarain. In 1191 the army of Gauri was repulsed by the Rajputs.But Gauri could not be tamed and the next year attack of Gauri was to change the history of India for ever.

The rule of Chahmana Rajput in Delhi was expelled and the rule of Muslims started from the second half of the 12th century. Mahmood Gauri returned to his homeland in Afghanistan, leaving the administration and Delhi in the hand of Qutbuddin Aibak.

Aibak became the Sultan or Emperor of India in 1206. Soon after the death of Mahmood Gauri. Qutbuddin Aibak started the Mamluk (slave) dynasty in India. This dynasty was called Sultanate dynasty which ended in 1526.

Capital shifted From Delhi to Agra

The last in the line of many rulers after Mamluks, Khalji, Balban, Sayyad, Tughlaq and Lodi was Ibrahim lodi of Afghan origin, who was defeated by Babur from Kabul of Afghanistan in 1526. Sikander Lodi was the father of Ibrahim Lodi and he was very powerful administrator as well as an art lover.

Sikander lodi Shifted his capital from Delhi to Agra in 1509, He built a treasury near Agra and renamed it as Sikandra. He built a fort of bricks on the bank of Yamuna river with moat and high walls towards the city for protection. While on the riverside it was not very high. Which we know as Agra fort.

The Tomb of Akbar the Great in Sikandra.
Agra and Sikandra
Tomb of Akbar the Great in Sikandra

The tomb of Akbar was built by himself, and later completed by his son Jahangir, the 4th Mughal Emperor of India. It is located in Sikandra which is around 35 minutes drive from the Agra city. Though Akbar was not very literate person, but his genius thought for administration and love of art and architecture was very creative and innovative.

These can be seen in the fort of Fatehpur shikri, in his Tomb of Sikandra that he had designed himself, and even in the Agra fort. Where he had made many changes to expand and beautify the brick built fort of Sikander Lodi with red sandstone. By the effort of Akbar the Great, the Mughal capital Agra a great old capital city of India came into its present form.

Agra city in its Geographical Location

Sikander Lodi in 1509, built the capital of India in Agra city as Sikandra, but Delhi was also the provincial capital that was again ruled by his Son Ibrahim Lodi after the death of Sikander Lodi in 1517. Ibrahim Lodi was very rude and strict Emperor in his time, and it led to the disagreement among many Nobles of his court.

The Nobels of Punjab and Sindh provinces paved the way of Babur. He was ruling in Kabul but he was also belonged to a Royal family of Fergana Uzbekistan. Due to the conspiracy hatched against Babur, by his own cousin brothers after his short span of time as the Sultan of Fergana forced him to take shelter in Kabul.

Moving To a new era

Babur marched with his troops without getting annoyed by the sand, dust and heat of the plains of Punjab and Sindh. As he was also intending to fight against the Lodi in the hope of becoming an Emperor of India. On the contrary the Nobles of Punjab and Sindh, were expecting that Babur would return after looting and plundering Delhi. This invasion would open the way for them to rule India, after the end of Lodi empire. But it didn’t happen.

End of Sultanate Empire and rise of Mughals

Babur fought and defeated Ibrahim Lodi and established the Mughal dynasty in India in 1526. The capital was again shifted to Agra for about four years. Babur studied very carefully the geographical location of Agra that is best suited to be a capital of India. It is in the center of north India connecting it to all major points to safeguard any invasion from outside borders. 

Babur died in 1530, and Humayum started to rule from Delhi again. Humayun was exiled by Sher Shah Sur in 1539. Humayun returned and took his throne back in 1556, from the hands of Suri. The same year he died falling from the stairs of his Library in Old Fort. He was buried in Old Fort of Delhi. The Old Fort was called Din-Panah which was constructed by Humayun and also Repaired or reconstructed by Sher Shah Sur while Humayun was in exile.

agra a great old capital of India
Humayun’s Tomb, New DelhiSee More

Later a beautiful Tomb was built in Delhi for the last resting place of Humayun the Second Mughal Emperor of India. Humayun’s Tomb is now a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Sikandra became Akbarabad

As the time changed and Emperor of India also changed. In the history of India a new leaf of prosperity and power with the harmony and cultural exchange, were written in second half of 15th century.

Mughals established themselves again as the Humayun returned to throne in Delhi. After his death, 13 years old young and sturdy Akbar became the Emperor of India. Akbar shifted his capital from Delhi to Agra as soon as he assumed the power. Considering the central location of Agra, important to do his military exercises in all the surroundings.

Agra was rebuilt as a capital of India

Akbar commissioned to rebuilt the brick fort of Sikander Lodi, with red sandstone. The old fort was not demolished to construct it newly. But many apartments, palaces and important buildings were added. He was in favor of the harmony and brotherhood of all the religions of India.

Akbar wanted to spread this idea among the people, by his way of patronizing the art and architecture of all different regions and symbolic characters of India. Bengal, Gujarat and Rajasthan’s art and architectural style were common in his buildings. And some are still exist in the forts of Akbar. Which made him Akbar the Great because of the love and respect of the people of India. 


How Agra became a great capital of India

Removing the taxes, translating the books and holy books of all religions in the local languages. To learn their customs and culture had really cemented the structure of Mughal Empire.

Agra city witnessed a great developments in art, education, social harmony and trade progresses during the time of Akbar the Great. Agra though sifted many times to Delhi, and Fatehpur shikri for once. But it remained as a capital of Mughals for about 112 years.

agra a great old capital of India
Fatehpur shikri

Babur founded the Mughal dynasty in India in 1526. His grandson Akbar the Great reconstructed and ruled continually till his death. Shahjahan the grandson of Akbar, before planning to shift his capital in Delhi. Made many changes in the fort with white marble. The Fort of Agra is a living witness of the Mughal generation.

Not only this, The Fifth Mughal Emperor Shahjahan constructed the great Marble Mausoleum in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal in 1653. Which is now a World Heritage Site, as well as Among new 7 wonders of the World. This beautiful Tomb is a living symbol of eternal love, built by a Husband to his beloved deceased wife.

agra a great capital of India
Taj Mahal

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Akbarabad returned to Agra

After the collapse of Mughal dynasty in 1857, the old and popular name of the city became the common name as Agra. It is said that the name of Agra was called as Akbarabad. As Akbar the Great established his capital here. But in many records of the the Mughal times. Suggest that this city was termed as Agra, rather than any other name in their official or general terms. That means Agra was more common in the Mughal times as of now.

The city was always in the center of administration, and these made the city a great city. Agra a great old capital city of India is full of great histories and cultures. As well as many beautiful and attractive monuments of old times still remains. This city adjusted in such a great way that created Agra a great and fascinating city for the people of the world. For the best experiences in art and culture of India, here you have many things to learn from the city.

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6 thoughts on “Agra a great old capital city of India”

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